Basis of Influence 2: Passion, Reciprocation and Getting What You Want
12/20/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Website
At the heart of every lawyer’s success is the ability to elicit support from others. More than 2,000 years ago Aristotle discussed this as being dependent on the ability to evoke the right attitude or emotion in the other person. This section explores how to inspire others to want to support your objectives.
These short courses build on sections from our highly regarded courses "The Trusted Lawyer" and "The Persuasive Lawyer." (The Basis of Influence Series covers additional new material, but there is some overlap and review.) Each short course stands alone, so you can can one or take them all!
Speaker: Brian Hammer
Course Content
60 minutes |
A Needs-Based Approach The most persuasive lawyers have the investigative tools to discover the needs of the people they seek to persuade. They recognize that getting their own needs met is dependent upon meeting the needs of others whenever possible. Whether clients, opposing counsel or even one’s spouse, this section lays the groundwork for becoming more highly persuasive and effective in getting more of everyone’s needs met. |
60 minutes |
Increasing Influence in Conflict and Other Challenging Situations Lawyers tend to either shut down or become aggressive during times of conflict. This tends to compromise their own objectives. Learn how to remain influential and achieve your objectives, even when negative emotions arise. |