Understand how Crummey Powers can be used to achieve your client's estate planning goals.
The decision in Crummey v. Commissioner directly addressed a fundamental flaw in tax policy - the inability f...
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LinkedIn has changed massively over the past few years and just too many recruiters have no idea what is new and what can now be done. Neil will show you what you are doing and the fatal mistakes that...
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Does it seem at times you would achieve better results for your clients if your efforts weren’t frustrated by some of the people you have to work with? Whether aggressive opposing counsel or cli...
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This program teaches three sets of important skills every lawyer can use to better define and achieve client objectives. You will learn how to:
Manage clients and help them clarify reasonable subst...
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Twenty-three hundred years ago, Aristotle laid out a three-step process for achieving exceptional results in persuasion and influence. This class translates the process for modern-day lawyers and does...
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12/13/2016 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM Website
This program teaches lawyers how to transform difficult situations and people into surprising success. Participants will learn how to direct the trajectory of relationships at three key moments that d...
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What is it that makes great art or a persuasive speech memorable? Conversely, why do may lawyers’ messages and persuasive attempts get blocked like spam? In this program, participants will learn...
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12/14/2016 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Website
During this 75 Minute Webinar you will learn:
How to become the "Go To" Recruiter in your recruiting niche!
3 Distinct Strategies that will get prospects crawling over each other to work wi...
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12/15/2016 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Website
Understand the importance of mathematically strategic estate planning and how it can impact your clients and your firm.
A timely discussion on Mathematics of Estate Planning, and the potential risks,...
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12/20/2016 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Website
Techniques of "automatic influence" are built into the fabric of what makes us human, and give the ability to persuade without the appearance of influence. Lawyers use and are influenced by them, some...
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12/20/2016 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Website
Learn methods of closing the estate and how to reduce income tax liability in the final year of the estate.
Many lawyers who settle estates do not know how to protect the executor from liability - th...
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12/20/2016 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Website
At the heart of every lawyer’s success is the ability to elicit support from others. More than 2,000 years ago Aristotle discussed this as being dependent on the ability to evoke the right attit...
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Master the art of listening, and you will encourage clients and other lawyers toward full disclosure of accurate information. This program helps you discover how a learning conversation can reveal imp...
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12/21/2016 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Website
If you've ever found yourself on the (losing) end of explaining what you really meant, you know how damaging negative misinterpretations can be. Attorneys will learn simple ways to improve c...
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In this program, lawyers look at how breakdowns in communication, effectiveness, and health can be caused by intense work demands and stress. Lawyers learn the neurophysiology of stress, together with...
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Don't leave your client out to dry. Gain a thorough understanding of designing trusts and executing trust administration best practices.
Many estate plans fail to include the most useful tool in the ...
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Learn about the complexities of preparing and drafting successful buy-sell agreements and how to avoid common mistakes.
Every closely held entity (corporate, LLC, or partnership) that has more than o...
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Those late-night commercials make it sound just so easy, but how do you get rid of tax penalties? This program will cover the various penalties applied by the IRS, and the various ways practitioners c...
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Our annual two-hour update of Tennessee and national developments in legal ethics and professional responsibility, as well as judicial ethics and recusal. Sarah Sheppeard and Lucian Pera review the la...
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The New LexisNexis® State Net® is an easier way to view and manage legislative and regulatory activity. With its new interface, more timely intelligence, and enhanced resources it’s...
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TN Attorneys Memo On-Demand CLE courses are instantly-available online audio conferences on a variety of topics of interest to the Tennessee practitioner. These events are presented online through our...
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CLE Seminars available to order on CD or DVD or download in MP3 or Video MP4 format.
Topics: Negotiation, Influence, Leadership, Ethics, Persuasion, Communication, Listening, Legal Practice...
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TennBarU's Educational Games programs are an exciting new format.
Topics: Real Estate Law, Constitutional Law, Ethics, Civil Procedure...
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The Center for Continuing Legal Education coordinates numerous seminars in a variety of subject matters for lawyers, judges, paralegals, and legal assistants. Each seminar is approved for mandatory co...
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OnDemand Self-Study Seminars: Audio recordings, video broadcasts, teleconferences.
Topics: Bankruptcy, Collection Law, Tax planning, Legal Practice, Business Contracts, Negotiation, Foreclosure,...
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CLE Tennessee offers comprehensive CLE programming on a wide range of topics, and all of our programs are accredited by the Tennessee Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization. ...
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OnDemand Videos for CLE Credit
Topics: Leadership, Negotiation, Listening, Communication, Marketing, Legal Practice...
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Online CLE programs in your practice area.
Topics: Subcontracts, SEC, visas, ethics, privacy, fundraising, bank securities, taxes, divorce, intellectual property, litigation, bankruptcy, estate plann...
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Streaming programs available anytime.
Topics: Trusts, Estate Planning, Contracts, Litigation, Tax Law, Legal Writing, Ethics, Paralegals, Uniform Trust Code, Bankruptcy, Criminal Law, Social Media, R...
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Online Memphis Bar Assn Seminars
With one click, you can get CLE credit by watching a previously-recorded video seminar or viewing an interactive text seminar. We also have various upcoming webc...
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TennBarU's online interactive text programs -- our classic online offerings -- give you the opportunity to learn by reading about a topic, walking through a number of scenarios and answering a series ...
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TennBarU's online video programs allow you to take part in CLE programs from the convenience of your home, office or any where else you have internet access. TennBarU programs with [Mobile Ready]...
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OnDemand Webcasts
Topics: Federal Tax Law, Basic Tax, Assets, Depreciation, S Corporations, LLCs, Ethics, Deductions...
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Clear Law Institute’s courses are provided by leading experts who are also engaging speakers. Choose from more than 80 live webinars each month and over 500 on-demand webinars related to law, ac...
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Online Courses allow you to download all the coursework you need and take it with you.
Hard copy materials are sent out within one business day.
OnDemand Webcasts truly give you the best of bot...
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We encourage you to join us each Wednesday to share information and connect with people. 9-10am CST
Talk Shoppe events are in-person and virtual. To join the global audience virtually visitwww....
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An up-to-the-minute discussion of a lawyer’s obligations, in a fast-changing, technology-rich world, to use modern technology safely and effectively in her practice and to help her clients do th...
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