Final Steps: Closing the Estate and Filing the Final Tax Return
12/20/2016 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Website
Learn methods of closing the estate and how to reduce income tax liability in the final year of the estate.
Many lawyers who settle estates do not know how to protect the executor from liability - they might not even know what liability the executor remains subject to after the estate is closed. In addition, some assets create distribution problems that must be solved in order to close the estate and make the best use of allocation powers and fiduciary income tax planning. This topic will help practitioners protect the executor from liability, deal with beneficiaries in distributing hard to value and difficult to distribute assets, learn alternative means of closing the estate and learn how to reduce income tax liability in the estate's final year.
Speaker: Patti S. Spencer
Program Topics:
Closing the Estate |
- Distributions to Minor or Incapacitated Beneficiaries
- Distributions in Kind
- Real Estate
- Qualified Plan and IRA Issues
- Apportionment of Taxes
Protecting the Personal Representative From Liability |
- What Liabilities Will Remain Open
- What Protections Can Be Provided
Dealing With Beneficiaries |
Accountings and Family Settlement Agreements |
Income Tax Planning for the Final Year |